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OSM Schools Progress in the 'JE' Postal Area

The blue circles on the map are schools from the official lists that haven't been matched to an OSM object. The red circles are OSM objects that haven't been matched to a school on the official list. The lines represent matches from the official data to OSM objects. Dark green lines represent a match based on the ref:edubase (England & Wales), ref:seedcode (Scotland) and ref:deni (Northern Ireland) tags. Light green lines represent a match based on location in the absense of an OSM ref:* tag. Orange lines represnt a match based on location, with an incorrect ref:* tag. The location matches can match the wrong schools, particularly in inner-city areas where there are many schools in close proximity. To fix incorrect location matches, add the appropriate ref:* tag to the OSM amenity=school objects. For more information see below.

Schools not matched to an OSM Object

Note that only OSM ways and relations tagged with amenity=school or amenity=college are checked for possible matches. In most cases, any nodes tagged like this would be better converted to way polygons covering the whole of the school site. The matching process is simplistic, so an incorrect matching may result in a different nearby school being the one that is really missing. Also, it is not currently clear what licence the official Edubase / Scottish Government data can be re-used under. Until this is clarified, you should not use the data below directly to add schools to OSM. However, knowing that there is a school missing in a particular area, you may be able to add that school using other sources -- e.g. Bing, OS Street View, and by searching for the possible school's own website.

Official ID Postcode Official Name
132523 (E) JE2 4RJ Beaulieu Convent School
132486 (E) JE3 1JQ Bel Royal Primary School
134839 (E) JE2 3GF D'Auvergne School
132430 (E) JE2 7TH De La Salle College
134115 (E) JE2 7TH De La Salle Primary School
132423 (E) JE2 7XB FCJ Primary School
132425 (E) JE2 3SD First Tower School
132519 (E) JE2 7XB Grainville School
132503 (E) JE2 7NZ Grands Vaux School
132474 (E) JE3 9DL Grouville School
132540 (E) JE2 3HA Haute Valleé School
132522 (E) JE2 7TH Hautlieu School
132426 (E) JE2 3PN Helvetia House School
148836 (E) JE1 1HL Highlands College
132483 (E) JE2 3ZN Janvrin School
132511 (E) JE2 7RT Jersey College Preparatory School
132487 (E) JE2 7YB Jersey College for Girls
132424 (E) JE3 8GQ La Moye School
143843 (E) JE2 7LF La Sente
132496 (E) JE2 6QP Le Rocquier School
132497 (E) JE3 2BJ Les Landes School
132524 (E) JE3 8JW Les Quennevais School
132500 (E) JE3 8DB Mont Nicolle School
132544 (E) JE2 3FN Mont l'Abbe School
132471 (E) JE2 7PN Plat Douet School
132485 (E) JE2 3YN Rouge Bouillon School
132517 (E) JE2 6TG Samarès School
132530 (E) JE2 7LD Springfield School
132541 (E) JE2 4LB St Christopher's School
132484 (E) JE2 6LN St Clement's School
132432 (E) JE3 7DB St George's Prep School
132472 (E) JE3 4EJ St John's School
132520 (E) JE3 1NG St Lawrence's School
132515 (E) JE2 7PG St Luke's School
132482 (E) JE3 6HW St Martin's School
132475 (E) JE3 3DA St Mary's School
132512 (E) JE2 7UG St Michael's School
132508 (E) JE3 7ZH St Peter's School
132499 (E) JE2 7TY St Saviour's School
132513 (E) JE3 5JP Trinity School
132428 (E) JE1 4HT Victoria College
132473 (E) JE2 4RR Victoria College Preparatory School

OSM Objects not matched to a school on the official lists

Entries here could be due to: Former schools that have now closed, more than one area being tagged for a single school, the official entry for a real school being matched incorrectly to a different OSM object, or institutions not included in the official lists being tagged as schools in OSM. Not all of these entries will be errors in the OSM data, so be careful before making any edits.

No schools in this category.

Schools matched to an OSM object by location

Note that the matching is very simplistic, just taking the nearest unmatched OSM amenity=school or amenity=college way or relation within 1km of the postcode centroid of each official entry in turn. Where several school sites are in close proximity, they may be matched incorrectly.

No schools in this category.

Schools matched to an OSM object by reference number

No schools in this category.

For full details of data sources and import dates, see

Data derived from OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). XAPI courtesy of Overpass API.