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OSM Postcode Mapping for LN8 5 Postal Sector

The circles on the map above are the postcode unit 'centriods' from Code-Point Open, under the Open Government Licence. The 'centriod' is calculated by taking the average of the coordinates of all the delivery points with that postcode, and then snapping that location to the nearest delivery point in that postcode. The data may be freely used in OpenStreetMap, but please make sure you understand it first. Also please only add postcodes to objects representing addressable entities; do not add the postcode centroids as themslves. Suggested source tag code-point_open

The circles are coloured by whether or not there is at least one OSM object with that value in its addr:postcode tag. Click on a point to see the postcode. The numbers in brackets are the number of OSM objects with that postcode.

The centroids are the location of the nearest 'delivery point' to the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all the delivery points within that unit. Those points with a codepoint PQI greater than 40 are excluded from the map above. (Higher values are typically not geographically accurate. In particular, PQI=50 is used for new postcodes before the location has been determined. The location given for such postcodes seems to be derived from other existing postcodes with similar units letters, which may not be close to the new postcode.)

The pale blue lines from the circles join each Code-Point Open centroid to the mean coordiantes of all the OSM objects with that postcode. (For ways an relations, the centre of the rectangular bounding box is used at the coordinates for the OSM object.) Long lines may indicate missing or incorrect OSM objects for that postcode. In particular, if all the postcodes in a givne unit are correctly mapped, the circle should be located on the nearest delivery point within that postcode to the other end of the blue line.

The OSM data for the number of objects with each unit comes from Taginfo GB. It is usually updated once a day at about 10:15 UTC, with data from about 20:30 UTC the previous day. (Current data is from 1970‑01‑01 00:00:00 Z.) The data used to compute the OSM mean position comes from the Overpass API and is updated less frequently, usually about once a week. (Current data is from 2024‑04‑10 08:21:28 Z.)

District Sector Units Geo. Units Mapped %
LN8 5 117 116 11 9.5%

All units within this sector:

Unit PQI First Seen Last Seen Street Name ML Mapped
LN8 5AB 10 0
LN8 5AE 10 0
LN8 5AF 10 0
LN8 5AG 10 0
LN8 5AH 10 2022‑07 0
LN8 5AL 10 0
LN8 5AN 10 2023‑04 0
LN8 5BA 10 0
LN8 5BB 10 0
LN8 5BD 10 0
LN8 5DA 10 0
LN8 5JA 10 0
LN8 5JD 10 0
LN8 5JE 10 0
LN8 5JF 10 0
LN8 5JG 10 0
LN8 5JH 10 0
LN8 5JJ 10 0
LN8 5JL 10 0
LN8 5JN 10 Bardney Dairies 5
LN8 5JP 10 0
LN8 5JQ 10 0
LN8 5JR 10 0
LN8 5JS 10 0
LN8 5JT 10 Carpenters Close 12
LN8 5JW 10 0
LN8 5LA 10 0
LN8 5LB 10 0
LN8 5LD 10 0
LN8 5LE 10 0
LN8 5LF 10 0
LN8 5LG 10 0
LN8 5LH 10 0
LN8 5LJ 10 1
LN8 5LN 10 Goulceby Road 14
LN8 5LP 10 0
LN8 5LQ 10 0
LN8 5LR 10 0
LN8 5LS 10 0
LN8 5LT 10 0
LN8 5LW 10 0
LN8 5NA 10 0
LN8 5ND 10 Lincoln Road 1
LN8 5NF 10 0
LN8 5NG 10 0
LN8 5NH 10 0
LN8 5NJ 10 Rand Lane 2
LN8 5NL 10 0
LN8 5NN 10 2013‑07 0
LN8 5NP 10 0
LN8 5NR 10 0
LN8 5NS 10 0
LN8 5NT 10 0
LN8 5NW 10 0
LN8 5PA 10 0
LN8 5PD 10 0
LN8 5PE 10 0
LN8 5PF 10 0
LN8 5PG 10 0
LN8 5PH 10 0
LN8 5PJ 10 Silver Street 1
LN8 5PL 10 0
LN8 5PN 10 0
LN8 5PP 10 0
LN8 5PQ 10 0
LN8 5PR 10 0
LN8 5PS 10 0
LN8 5PU 10 0
LN8 5PX 10 0
LN8 5PY 10 0
LN8 5PZ 10 0
LN8 5QA 10 0
LN8 5QB 10 0
LN8 5QD 10 0
LN8 5QE 10 0
LN8 5QF 10 0
LN8 5QG 10 0
LN8 5QL 10 0
LN8 5QQ 10 0
LN8 5QU 10 Market Place 12
LN8 5QW 10 0
LN8 5QX 10 0
LN8 5QY 10 0
LN8 5QZ 10 Bardney Road 1
LN8 5RA 10 Church Street 1
LN8 5RB 10 0
LN8 5RD 10 0
LN8 5RE 10 0
LN8 5RF 10 0
LN8 5RG 10 0
LN8 5RH 10 0
LN8 5RJ 10 0
LN8 5RL 10 0
LN8 5RN 10 0
LN8 5RP 10 0
LN8 5RQ 10 0
LN8 5RR 10 0
LN8 5RS 10 0
LN8 5RT 10 0
LN8 5RU 10 0
LN8 5RW 10 Lincoln Road 2
LN8 5RX 10 0
LN8 5RY 10 0
LN8 5RZ 10 0
LN8 5SA 10 2024‑01 0
LN8 5SB 10 0
LN8 5SD 10 0
LN8 5SE 10 0
LN8 5SF 10 0
LN8 5SG 10 0
LN8 5SH 10 0
LN8 5SL 10 0
LN8 5SN 10 0
LN8 5SQ 10 0
LN8 5TP 10 2018‑10 10 0
LN8 5TS 10 0
LN8 5UT 10 0
LN8 5WD 10 10 0
LN8 5WU 10 2019‑01 10 0
LN8 5WW 10 0
LN8 5YA 10 0
LN8 5YB 10 0
LN8 5YF 10 2022‑10 0

Units with street mismatches in this sector:

Unit Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object Tagged Street
LN8 5LJ 1 n1271509331
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249562248
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249567501
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249566181
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249568951
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249566183 The␣Row
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249561903
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249566185
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249566180
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249568950
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249566182
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249560035
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249570163
LN8 5LN 14 Goulceby␣Road w249566184
Data derived from OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Data derived in part using Code-Point Open under the Open Government Licence v3; Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2020; Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and Database right 2016; Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.