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OSM Postcode Mapping for B50 4 Postal Sector

The circles on the map above are the postcode unit 'centriods' from Code-Point Open, under the Open Government Licence. The 'centriod' is calculated by taking the average of the coordinates of all the delivery points with that postcode, and then snapping that location to the nearest delivery point in that postcode. The data may be freely used in OpenStreetMap, but please make sure you understand it first. Also please only add postcodes to objects representing addressable entities; do not add the postcode centroids as themslves. Suggested source tag code-point_open

The circles are coloured by whether or not there is at least one OSM object with that value in its addr:postcode tag. Click on a point to see the postcode. The numbers in brackets are the number of OSM objects with that postcode.

The centroids are the location of the nearest 'delivery point' to the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all the delivery points within that unit. Those points with a codepoint PQI greater than 40 are excluded from the map above. (Higher values are typically not geographically accurate. In particular, PQI=50 is used for new postcodes before the location has been determined. The location given for such postcodes seems to be derived from other existing postcodes with similar units letters, which may not be close to the new postcode.)

The pale blue lines from the circles join each Code-Point Open centroid to the mean coordiantes of all the OSM objects with that postcode. (For ways an relations, the centre of the rectangular bounding box is used at the coordinates for the OSM object.) Long lines may indicate missing or incorrect OSM objects for that postcode. In particular, if all the postcodes in a givne unit are correctly mapped, the circle should be located on the nearest delivery point within that postcode to the other end of the blue line.

The OSM data for the number of objects with each unit comes from Taginfo GB. It is usually updated once a day at about 10:15 UTC, with data from about 20:30 UTC the previous day. (Current data is from 1970‑01‑01 00:00:00 Z.) The data used to compute the OSM mean position comes from the Overpass API and is updated less frequently, usually about once a week. (Current data is from 2024‑04‑10 08:21:28 Z.)

District Sector Units Geo. Units Mapped %
B50 4 210 210 147 70.0%

All units within this sector:

Unit PQI First Seen Last Seen Street Name ML Mapped
B50 4AA 10 High Street 3
B50 4AB 10 High Street 4
B50 4AD 10 High Street 3
B50 4AE 10 High Street 1
B50 4AF 10 High Street 1
B50 4AG 10 1
B50 4AH 10 Westholme Road 11
B50 4AJ 10 The Crescent 2
B50 4AL 10 Westholme Road 7
B50 4AN 10 Westholme Road 5
B50 4AP 10 The Meadows 17
B50 4AQ 10 High Street 2
B50 4AR 10 Victoria Road 1
B50 4AS 10 Victoria Road 2
B50 4AT 10 Steppes Piece 5
B50 4AU 10 2
B50 4AW 10 Salford Road 1
B50 4AX 10 Victoria Road 4
B50 4AY 10 Burnell Close 6
B50 4AZ 10 Icknield Court 10
B50 4BA 10 Queensway 9
B50 4BB 10 The Pleck 4
B50 4BD 10 Salford Road 3
B50 4BE 10 Holland Close 7
B50 4BF 10 0
B50 4BG 10 High Street 11
B50 4BH 10 0
B50 4BJ 10 0
B50 4BL 10 Glebe Close 16
B50 4BN 10 Court Way 15
B50 4BP 10 High Street 1
B50 4BQ 10 High Street 8
B50 4BS 10 Saxon Fields 5
B50 4BT 10 Orchard Close 2
B50 4BU 10 High Street 5
B50 4BW 10 Trafalgar Court 5
B50 4BX 10 Icknield Street 2
B50 4BY 10 Grange Road 4
B50 4BZ 10 Icknield Close 4
B50 4DA 10 Church Street 2
B50 4DB 10 Falcon Crescent 5
B50 4DD 10 0
B50 4DE 10 0
B50 4DF 10 0
B50 4DG 10 Crompton Avenue 2
B50 4DH 10 Waterloo Road 4
B50 4DJ 10 Waterloo Road 1
B50 4DL 10 Waterloo Road 1
B50 4DN 10 The Leys 10
B50 4DP 10 Waterloo Crescent 15
B50 4DQ 10 0
B50 4DR 10 Wessons Road 8
B50 4DS 10 0
B50 4DT 10 Hill View Road 1
B50 4DU 10 Grafton Lane 3
B50 4DW 10 0
B50 4DX 10 Grafton Lane 13
B50 4DY 10 Tower Croft 4
B50 4DZ 10 Tower Hill 3
B50 4EA 10 Tower Close 3
B50 4EB 10 Longford Close 1
B50 4ED 10 Jubilee Close 1
B50 4EE 10 0
B50 4EF 10 Cox Close 5
B50 4EG 10 Holder Close 6
B50 4EH 10 Salford Road 1
B50 4EJ 10 Crawford Close 6
B50 4EL 10 Howard Close 7
B50 4EN 10 Salford Road 5
B50 4EP 10 Rush Lane 1
B50 4EQ 10 Friday Close 6
B50 4ER 10 0
B50 4ES 10 Gable Mews 1
B50 4ET 10 2022‑07 8 0
B50 4EU 10 Salford Road 1
B50 4EW 10 Harbour Close 8
B50 4EX 10 Marriaage Hill 1
B50 4EY 10 Salford Road 5
B50 4EZ 10 Salford Road 1
B50 4FD 10 Marine Drive 5
B50 4FF 10 St Laurence Way 22
B50 4FG 10 St Laurence Way 8
B50 4FH 10 0
B50 4FJ 10 The Poplars 10
B50 4FN 10 2013‑07 0
B50 4FP 10 Warner Court 3
B50 4FQ 10 Ebsdorf Close 3
B50 4FR 10 Wharrad Close 1
B50 4FW 10 Roman Close 5
B50 4FX 10 High Street 1
B50 4FY 10 Copenhagen Way 32
B50 4FZ 10 Langston Way 10
B50 4GA 10 Chestnut Way 7
B50 4GB 10 Ash Place 10
B50 4GD 10 0
B50 4GE 10 Elm Place 12
B50 4GF 10 Chestnut Way 20
B50 4GG 50 2015‑10 0
B50 4GH 10 Rowan Place 12
B50 4GJ 10 Nelson Way 5
B50 4GL 10 Oak Place 15
B50 4GN 10 16
B50 4GP 10 Avon Way 30
B50 4GQ 10 Arrow Way 11
B50 4GR 10 Nursery Way 3
B50 4GS 10 Spearhead Road 8
B50 4GT 10 Spearhead Road 13
B50 4GU 10 Hipbag Lane 8
B50 4GW 10 Spangle Way 8
B50 4GX 10 Quern Stone Lane 4
B50 4GY 10 0
B50 4GZ 10 High Street 1
B50 4HA 10 Shield Way 16
B50 4HB 10 King's Lane 5
B50 4HD 10 King's Lane 1
B50 4HE 10 Bidford Road 1
B50 4HF 10 Bidford Road 1
B50 4HG 10 Albion Terrace 6
B50 4HH 10 Bidford Road 1
B50 4HJ 10 High Street 7
B50 4HL 10 High Street 1
B50 4HN 10 0
B50 4HP 10 Bidford Road 2
B50 4HQ 10 Jacksons Meadow 9
B50 4HR 10 Mill Lane 1
B50 4HS 10 Mill Lane 4
B50 4HT 10 Mill Close 1
B50 4HU 10 Boss Way 3
B50 4HW 10 Blenheim Close 8
B50 4HX 10 0
B50 4HY 10 Scott Close 3
B50 4HZ 10 Millers Bank 1
B50 4JA 10 Sallieforth Place 1
B50 4JB 10 Malt House Close 6
B50 4JD 10 The Pleck 2
B50 4JE 10 0
B50 4JF 10 0
B50 4JG 10 Wellington Road 9
B50 4JH 10 Wellington Road 7
B50 4JJ 10 Boatyard Drive 1
B50 4JL 10 0
B50 4JN 10 Waterloo Road 4
B50 4JP 10 0
B50 4JQ 10 4
B50 4JR 10 0
B50 4JS 10 0
B50 4JT 10 George's Elm Lane 2
B50 4JY 10 0
B50 4JZ 10 0
B50 4LA 10 0
B50 4LB 10 0
B50 4LD 10 0
B50 4LE 10 4
B50 4LF 10 0
B50 4LG 10 Wixford Road 1
B50 4LH 10 0
B50 4LJ 10 0
B50 4LL 10 0
B50 4LN 10 1
B50 4LP 10 0
B50 4LQ 10 0
B50 4LR 10 0
B50 4LS 10 0
B50 4LT 10 0
B50 4LU 10 0
B50 4LW 10 0
B50 4LX 10 Stratford Road 1
B50 4LY 10 0
B50 4LZ 10 0
B50 4NA 10 Stratford Road 1
B50 4NB 10 Damson Way 17
B50 4ND 10 0
B50 4NE 10 Mirabelle Close 8
B50 4NF 10 0
B50 4NG 10 0
B50 4NH 10 0
B50 4NJ 10 2021‑09 Opal Row 4
B50 4NL 10 The Bank 3
B50 4NN 10 High Street 3
B50 4NP 10 Welford Road 1
B50 4NQ 10 The Bank 2
B50 4NR 10 0
B50 4NS 10 0
B50 4NT 10 0
B50 4NU 10 0
B50 4NW 10 Laxton Way 5
B50 4NX 10 0
B50 4NY 10 0
B50 4NZ 10 2022‑06 0
B50 4PA 10 0
B50 4PB 10 0
B50 4PD 10 0
B50 4PE 10 0
B50 4PF 10 0
B50 4PG 10 0
B50 4PH 10 Stepping Stones 2
B50 4PJ 10 Paddock Close 14
B50 4PN 10 7
B50 4PP 10 0
B50 4PQ 10 10
B50 4PR 10 0
B50 4PS 10 0
B50 4PT 10 2023‑04 0
B50 4PU 10 2022‑06 0
B50 4QA 10 Wilkes Way 6
B50 4QB 10 Chapel Close 5
B50 4QD 10 Drayton Close 4
B50 4QE 10 Dugdale Avenue 4
B50 4QF 10 Elliott Close 6
B50 4QG 10 Bramley Way 1
B50 4QH 10 0
B50 4QJ 10 0
B50 4QL 10 0
B50 4QN 10 Russet Way 22
B50 4QQ 10 Pippin Close 6
B50 4XF 10 0
B50 4ZY 10 2021‑06 8 0

Units with street mismatches in this sector:

Unit Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object Tagged Street
B50 4AG 1 w550423551
B50 4AU 2 w549812701
B50 4AU 2 w549812702
B50 4BD 3 Salford␣Road w1054370822
B50 4GN 16 w828145561
B50 4GN 16 w828145519
B50 4GN 16 w828145514
B50 4GN 16 w828145563
B50 4GN 16 w828145521
B50 4GN 16 w828145516
B50 4GN 16 w828145567
B50 4GN 16 w828145560
B50 4GN 16 w828145518
B50 4GN 16 w828145510
B50 4GN 16 w828145562
B50 4GN 16 w828145520
B50 4GN 16 w828145515
B50 4GN 16 w828145565
B50 4GN 16 w828145556
B50 4GN 16 w828145517
B50 4JH 7 Wellington␣Road w1072202926 Waterloo␣Road
B50 4JH 7 Wellington␣Road w1072202925 Waterloo␣Road
B50 4JQ 4 w557691505
B50 4JQ 4 w557691508
B50 4JQ 4 w557691507
B50 4JQ 4 w557691511
B50 4LE 4 w349854043
B50 4LE 4 w349854045
B50 4LE 4 w349854044
B50 4LE 4 w349854047
B50 4LN 1 w251683097
B50 4PN 7 w920170370
B50 4PN 7 w1040218302
B50 4PN 7 w1040218304
B50 4PN 7 w920170369
B50 4PN 7 w1040218301
B50 4PN 7 w1040218303
B50 4PN 7 w920170368
B50 4PQ 10 w497933747
B50 4PQ 10 w407670963
B50 4PQ 10 w407670965
B50 4PQ 10 w407670960
B50 4PQ 10 w497933746
B50 4PQ 10 w407670962
B50 4PQ 10 w497934306
B50 4PQ 10 w407670964
B50 4PQ 10 w497933742
B50 4PQ 10 w407670961
Data derived from OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Data derived in part using Code-Point Open under the Open Government Licence v3; Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2020; Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and Database right 2016; Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.