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OSM Postcode Mapping for B17 0 Postal Sector

The circles on the map above are the postcode unit 'centriods' from Code-Point Open, under the Open Government Licence. The 'centriod' is calculated by taking the average of the coordinates of all the delivery points with that postcode, and then snapping that location to the nearest delivery point in that postcode. The data may be freely used in OpenStreetMap, but please make sure you understand it first. Also please only add postcodes to objects representing addressable entities; do not add the postcode centroids as themslves. Suggested source tag code-point_open

The circles are coloured by whether or not there is at least one OSM object with that value in its addr:postcode tag. Click on a point to see the postcode. The numbers in brackets are the number of OSM objects with that postcode.

The centroids are the location of the nearest 'delivery point' to the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all the delivery points within that unit. Those points with a codepoint PQI greater than 40 are excluded from the map above. (Higher values are typically not geographically accurate. In particular, PQI=50 is used for new postcodes before the location has been determined. The location given for such postcodes seems to be derived from other existing postcodes with similar units letters, which may not be close to the new postcode.)

The pale blue lines from the circles join each Code-Point Open centroid to the mean coordiantes of all the OSM objects with that postcode. (For ways an relations, the centre of the rectangular bounding box is used at the coordinates for the OSM object.) Long lines may indicate missing or incorrect OSM objects for that postcode. In particular, if all the postcodes in a givne unit are correctly mapped, the circle should be located on the nearest delivery point within that postcode to the other end of the blue line.

The OSM data for the number of objects with each unit comes from Taginfo GB. It is usually updated once a day at about 10:15 UTC, with data from about 20:30 UTC the previous day. (Current data is from 1970‑01‑01 00:00:00 Z.) The data used to compute the OSM mean position comes from the Overpass API and is updated less frequently, usually about once a week. (Current data is from 2024‑04‑10 08:21:28 Z.)

District Sector Units Geo. Units Mapped %
B17 0 196 194 194 100.0%

All units within this sector:

Unit PQI First Seen Last Seen Street Name ML Mapped
B17 0AA 10 Hartledon Road 2
B17 0AB 10 Hartledon Road 1
B17 0AD 10 Hartledon Road 1
B17 0AE 10 Victoria Road 1
B17 0AG 10 Victoria Road 1
B17 0AH 10 Victoria Road 6
B17 0AL 10 Biton Close 9
B17 0AN 10 Albert Road 4
B17 0AP 10 Harborne Park Road 2
B17 0AQ 10 Victoria Road 2
B17 0AR 10 Albert Walk 1
B17 0AS 10 St Peters Road 7
B17 0AT 10 St Peters Road 9
B17 0AU 10 Saint Peters Road 2
B17 0AX 10 Victoria Road 3
B17 0AY 10 Saint Peters Road 11
B17 0BA 10 Stapylton Avenue 14
B17 0BB 10 Old Church Road 3
B17 0BD 10 2017‑07 0
B17 0BE 10 Old Church Road 6
B17 0BF 10 Harborne Park Road 1
B17 0BG 10 Bishop's Croft 1
B17 0BH 10 0
B17 0BJ 10 Harborne Park Road 1
B17 0BL 10 Harborne Park Road 5
B17 0BN 10 Denise Drive 15
B17 0BP 10 Harborne Park Road 1
B17 0BQ 10 Harborne Park Road 13
B17 0BS 10 Harborne Park Road 1
B17 0BT 10 Greenside 11
B17 0BU 10 Fredas Grove 5
B17 0BW 10 2013‑07 33 0
B17 0BX 10 Harborne Park Road 3
B17 0DA 10 Harborne Park Road 1
B17 0DB 10 South Street 2
B17 0DE 10 Harborne Park Road 2
B17 0DH 10 Harborne Park Road 4
B17 0DJ 10 Vivian Road 16
B17 0DL 10 2018‑10 33 0
B17 0DN 10 Vivian Road 6
B17 0DP 10 Waterward Close 3
B17 0DQ 10 Harborne Park Road 1
B17 0DR 10 Vivian Road 6
B17 0DS 10 Vivian Road 15
B17 0DT 10 Vivian Road 11
B17 0DW 10 Vivian Close 4
B17 0DZ 10 Clarenden Place 1
B17 0ED 10 Greenfield Road 4
B17 0EE 10 Greenfield Road 16
B17 0EF 10 Greenfield Road 3
B17 0EG 10 Greenfield Road 3
B17 0EH 10 Greenfield Road 3
B17 0EL 10 Ethel Road 4
B17 0EP 10 Greenfield Road 16
B17 0EQ 10 Chestnut Grove 6
B17 0ES 10 Greenfield Road 1
B17 0EU 10 Margaret Road 8
B17 0EX 10 Margaret Road 6
B17 0EY 10 St Marys Road 5
B17 0HA 10 St Marys Road 5
B17 0HB 10 St Marys Road 2
B17 0HG 10 York Street 32
B17 0HH 10 Bull Street 40
B17 0HL 10 York Mews 4
B17 0HP 10 Metchley Lane 1
B17 0HQ 10 The Farthings 2
B17 0HR 10 Metchley Lane 1
B17 0HS 10 Metchley Lane 1
B17 0HT 10 Metchley Lane 3
B17 0HU 10 Griffin Gardens 4
B17 0HW 10 Cheyne Walk 1
B17 0HX 10 Malt Close 3
B17 0HY 10 Metchley Lane 4
B17 0JA 10 Metchley Lane 1
B17 0JB 10 Metchley Lane 1
B17 0JD 10 Bantock Way 1
B17 0JE 10 Bantock Way 1
B17 0JG 10 Bantock Way 1
B17 0JH 10 Metchley Lane 1
B17 0JJ 10 Griffin Gardens 4
B17 0JL 10 Metchley Lane 1
B17 0JN 10 Humphrey Middlemore Drive 2
B17 0JP 10 Metchley Court 5
B17 0JR 10 Theodore Close 2
B17 0JS 10 Old Abbey Gardens 1
B17 0JT 10 Malins Road 1
B17 0JU 10 Abbey Road 2
B17 0JW 10 Iliffe Way 1
B17 0JX 10 Metchley Drive 1
B17 0JY 10 Malins Road 2 1
B17 0JZ 10 Malins Road 2 1
B17 0LA 10 Metchley Drive 1
B17 0LB 10 Metchley Drive 1
B17 0LD 10 Leahurst Crescent 3
B17 0LE 10 Leabon Grove 3
B17 0LG 10 Leahurst Crescent 2
B17 0LH 10 Malins Road 1
B17 0LJ 10 2018‑10 33 0
B17 0LN 10 Cross Farm Road 1
B17 0LP 10 Grasdene Grove 13
B17 0LR 10 Cross Farm Road 1
B17 0LS 10 Lynwood Walk 1
B17 0LT 10 Bantock Way 1
B17 0LU 10 Leeson Walk 1
B17 0LW 10 Merryfield Grove 5
B17 0LX 10 Bantock Way 2
B17 0LY 10 Bantock Way 4
B17 0NA 10 Cross Farm Road 1
B17 0NB 10 Cross Farm Road 4
B17 0ND 10 Cross Farm Road 1
B17 0NE 10 Harborne Park Road 5
B17 0NG 10 Harborne Park Road 2
B17 0NH 10 Metchley Lane 2
B17 0NJ 10 Woodleigh Avenue 5
B17 0NL 10 Woodleigh Avenue 16
B17 0NN 10 Metfield Croft 7
B17 0NQ 10 Metchley Rise 1
B17 0NT 10 Harborne Lane 1
B17 0NU 10 Harborne Park Road 3
B17 0NW 10 Woodleigh Avenue 4
B17 0NX 10 Hilldrop Grove 4
B17 0NY 10 Harborne Park Road 5
B17 0NZ 10 Cross Farm Road 3
B17 0PA 10 Quinton Road 4
B17 0PB 10 Poole Crescent 6
B17 0PD 10 Poole Crescent 4
B17 0PE 10 Poole Crescent 3
B17 0PG 10 Quinton Road 40
B17 0PH 10 Quinton Road 1
B17 0PJ 10 Quinton Road 13
B17 0PL 10 Langford Grove 6
B17 0PN 10 Rodbourne Road 17
B17 0PP 10 Quinton Road 15
B17 0PR 10 Harborne Park Road 1
B17 0PS 10 Harborne Park Road 3
B17 0PX 10 Cadnam Close 6
B17 0PY 10 Quinton Road 30
B17 0QA 10 Quinton Road 26
B17 0QB 10 Cadleigh Gardens 17
B17 0QD 10 Ferncliffe Road 3
B17 0QE 10 Ferncliffe Road 3
B17 0QF 10 Mellors Close 5
B17 0QG 10 Ferncliffe Road 3
B17 0QH 10 Ferncliffe Road 1
B17 0QJ 10 Ferncliffe Road 1
B17 0QL 10 Kelfield Avenue 3
B17 0QN 10 Kelfield Avenue 9
B17 0QP 10 Kenwick Road 3
B17 0QQ 10 Beaumont Drive 5
B17 0QR 10 Sedgehill Avenue 13
B17 0QS 10 Parkville Avenue 12
B17 0QT 10 Grove Lane 1
B17 0QX 10 Mill Farm Road 8
B17 0RB 10 Quinton Road 28
B17 0RD 10 Arless Way 3
B17 0RE 10 Quinton Road 16
B17 0RF 10 Quinton Road 24
B17 0RG 10 Quinton Road 21
B17 0RH 10 Wheats Avenue 24
B17 0RJ 10 Wheats Avenue 15
B17 0RL 10 Quinton Road 22
B17 0RN 10 Quinton Road 16
B17 0RP 10 Quinton Road 15
B17 0RR 10 Weymoor Road 13
B17 0RS 10 Weymoor Road 4
B17 0RT 10 Weymoor Road 5
B17 0RU 10 Weymoor Road 1
B17 0RX 10 Weymoor Road 5
B17 0RY 10 Weymoor Road 10
B17 0RZ 10 33 0
B17 0SA 10 Elford Road 5
B17 0SB 10 Arosa Drive 1
B17 0SD 10 Arosa Drive 1
B17 0SE 10 Arosa Drive 2
B17 0SG 10 Elford Road 3
B17 0SJ 10 Cadbury Way 1
B17 0SL 10 Churchcroft 8
B17 0SN 10 Vicarage Road 4
B17 0SP 10 Vicarage Road 3
B17 0SR 10 Vicarage Road 8
B17 0SS 10 Northfield Road 2
B17 0ST 10 Northfield Road 2
B17 0SU 10 Northfield Road 1
B17 0SW 10 Dorchester Drive 16
B17 0SX 10 Tibbets Lane 1
B17 0SY 10 Fredas Grove 1
B17 0TA 10 Northfield Road 6
B17 0TB 10 Wyckham Close 24
B17 0TD 10 Northfield Road 4
B17 0TE 10 Northfield Road 3
B17 0TG 10 Northfield Road 1
B17 0TH 10 Osmaston Road 4
B17 0TJ 10 Osmaston Road 4
B17 0TL 10 Osmaston Road 4
B17 0TN 10 Osmaston Road 4
B17 0TP 10 Lismore Drive 7
B17 0TR 10 Derry Close 6
B17 0TS 10 Northfield Road 8
B17 0TZ 10 Northfield Road 1
B17 0UA 10 Northfield Road 1
B17 0WD 10 2018‑10 33 0
B17 0WP 10 33 0
B17 0ZE 10 2018‑10 33 0
B17 0ZS 10 2018‑10 33 0
B17 0ZX 10 33 0

Units with street mismatches in this sector:

No mismatches found in this sector.

Data derived from OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Data derived in part using Code-Point Open under the Open Government Licence v3; Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2020; Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and Database right 2016; Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.